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  • Understanding an Overlooked Chronic Eye Condition


    Dry eye syndrome is a general term that describes the state of the front of the eye in response to a breakdown in the natural layer of tears that coats the front of the eye, called the tear film.

    Normally, this layer of tears is a stable, homogenous layer that not only provides the cornea and conjunctiva a healthy buffer from damage were it constantly exposed to the air, but this interface between the tear film and the air is also responsible for a significant amount of the focusing power of the eye.

    Dry eye occurs when the lubrication of the surface of the eye is compromised due to decreased quantity and/or quality of tears

    When the tear film becomes unhealthy, it breaks down in different places on the cornea and conjunctiva, leading not only to symptoms of irritation, but also to unstable and intermittently changing vision. . If you are experiencing any of these, visit the expert ophthalmologists at Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital for a good dry eye management treatment.

    How do tears work?

    When we blink, a film of tears spreads over the eye and keeps the surface of the eye smooth and clear. This tear film is important for good vision.

    The tear film is made of three layers:

    An oily layer

    A watery layer

    A mucus layer

    The oily layer is the outermost layer of the tear film. It makes the tear surface smooth and keeps tears from drying up too quickly. This layer is produced in the meibomian glands of the eye.

    The watery layer is the middle layer of the tear film. It makes up most of what we see as tears. This layer cleans the eye and washes away particles that do not belong in the eye. This layer is produced by the lacrimal glands in the eyelids.

    The mucus layer is the innermost layer of the tear film. It helps spread the watery layer over the eye’s surface, keeping it moist. Without mucus, tears would not stick to the eye. Mucus is produced by the conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is the clear tissue covering the white of your eye and inside your eyelids.

    What Are the Different Types of Dry Eye?

    Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye: The eyes’ lacrimal glands fail to produce enough of the middle aqueous layer of tears, resulting in low tear production..

    Evaporative Dry Eye: The eyes’ meibomian glands don’t produce a strong outer lipid layer of tears, resulting in tears that evaporate too quickly.

    What Are The Symptoms of Dry Eye?

     Prominent amongst these symptoms is Tearing; naturally, a patient may wonder why their eye can be “dry” despite producing plenty of tears. This is because the unhealthy tear film and the irritation that comes from it stimulates the brain to produce a wave or reflex of tears to help counteract the irritation. However, this reflex tearing is simply insufficient to correct the overall problem.

    Other symptoms of dry eye syndrome include:

    • Burning
    • Stinging
    • Itching
    • Sandy or gritty feeling
    • Scratchy or foreign-body sensation
    • Discharge
    • Frequent blinking
    • Mattering or caking of the eyelashes (usually worse upon waking)
    • Redness
    • Blurry or fluctuating vision (made worse when reading, computer, watching television, driving, or playing video games)
    • Light-sensitivity
    • Eye pain and/or headache
    • Heavey eye lids
    • Eye fatigue

    What are the Causes of Dry Eyes?

    Dry eye occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears

    Or Even if it produces tears, they evaporate quickly

    Or Both the above causes occur together.

    Risk Factors for Developing Dry Eyes

    Age:People above the age 50 are more likely at the risk of developing dry eyes.

    Gender:Women are more likely to develop dry eye. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and after menopause have been linked with dry eye. Women also have an increased risk for autoimmune disorders.

    Using a computer: People who use a computer tend to blink less frequently than normal. This can cause increased evaporation of tears, and hence dry eyes.

    Wearing contact lenses:Dry eye is most common among soft contact lens wearers, and can cause irritation, protein deposits and red eyes

    Medical Conditions:Health conditions such as diabetes and thyroid can lead to dry eyes.

    Medications:Taking medications for depressions, allergies, menopause, blood pressure.Other medications like Pain relievers,sleeping pills,diuretics,oral contraceptives etc. can increase the risk as well

    Inflammation of eyelid glands & eyelash follicles:Inflammation of the eyelid glands (called meibornian glands) and eyelash follicles can compromise the quality of the tear film, which causes tears to evaporate more quickly. This is sometimes caused by over-growth of bacteria normally found on the eyelids.

    Environmental conditions:Windy, smoky, or dry environments increase tear evaporation. Seasonal allergies can contribute to dry eye

    HealthNot consuming healthy food rich in Vitamin A (carrots, broccoli) or Omega 3 fatty acids can dry the eyes.

    Home Remedies to Prevent Dry Eye

    Lifestyle Changes:Avoid environmental triggers that could swell your eyes. These may include dust,pollen,cigarette smoke, air vents, wind and sunlight directly exposing on your face. You could wear eye protection when outdoors

    Warm Compress:Take a clean cotton cloth,dip it into a clean warm water,sqeeze it and put it over your closed eyes for 5-10 minutes.

    Rest:If your work requires you to spend too much time in front of the screen, follow the 20/20/20 rule. In this rule, every 20 minutes you have to stop working and focus your eyes on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds and then resume work.

    Healthy Supplements:Include Omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseeds,walnuts and food rich in Vitamin A in your diet.

    If none of the above remedies help you with dry eye management, and you are seeking for medical help, visit Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital in Ahmedabad.

    How are dry eyes diagnosed at Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital?

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, Dry eyes are diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination.

    Testing, with emphasis on the evaluation of the quantity and quality of tears produced by the eyes, may include

    Patient history to determine the patient’s symptoms, any general health problems, medications or environmental factors that may be contributing to the dry eyes.

    Evaluation of the eyelids and cornea.

    Measurement of the quantity and quality of tears for any abnormalities.

    Special dyes may be put in the eyes to better observe tear flow and to highlight any changes to the outer surface of the eye caused by insufficient tears.

    Why should I choose Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital for Dry eye Management in Ahmedabad?

    What are the treatment options for dry eyes?

    Depending on the causes, there are numerous treatments for dry eye syndrome , but the more common treatment modalities include:

    • Artificial tears (preferably ones without a redness-reliever component in them)
    • Longer acting agents such as artificial tear gel and ointments
    • Tear conserving interventions such as punctal plugs
    • Warm compresses
    • Eyelash and eyelid scrubs
    • Topical ophthalmic steroids are helpful in controlling the inflammatory aspect of the disease in short bursts.


    Why Should I Choose Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital For Dry Eye Management?

    Dr. Bhoomika Jodhani is a wonderful doctor. She is an expert. I have heard many things like this.But once I met her.. then I realise she is really great doctor.I belong to an IT field. Always busy with screen.Suddenly I started feeling irritation in my eyes. Then one of my friend suggested me Ranchhodrai eye hospital.I went there and am very hapy with the treatment.

    risky boy

    Need more help with Dry eye Menagement

    Book an appointment with Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital in Ahmedabad today!