• Welcome to Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital

    Young children's eyes change and develop quickly. Long-term vision problems, if left untreated, can have a negative impact on a child's ability to study, socialise, and feel confident. It is best to have pediatric eye specialists examine a child's eyes since problems with the eyes need to be identified and treated as soon as possible.

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, we are equipped to diagnose and manage these eye problems in children. Our child eye specialists in Ahmedabad are leading authorities in eye problems in childhood.



    Repeated watering of eyes

    Squeezing of eyes

    Frequent rubbing of eyes

    Holding books very near the eyes or sitting close to the TV to watch


    Abnormal movements of the eyes

    loosing pace while reading

    poor focus

    difficulty seeing at blackborad

    misalignment of-eyes

    whitening of pupil inside the eye

    In very young children, observation of delayed visual milestones, like not following lights, toys, faces, should also prompt an early eye check up.The deviation of eyes, nystagmus (to and fro movements of the eyes), abnormal head postures, roving eye movements in children are often associated with amblyopia.

    These conditions require consultation with child eye experts.


    In the absence of any of the above problems, it is recommended that every child should have a routine eye check up at 3 years of age. Vision screening should be mandatory at the time of school admission. This should be followed by annual routine check ups.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad


    Get Your Child to the Best Eye Doctor for Care

    If you're a parent, you want nothing less than the best for your kid's health, and that includes his or her eyes. Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital is your best option if you're looking for a best pediatric eye specialist near me.

    Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital recognises that children have specific eye care requirements. Our paediatric ophthalmologists have extensive training in identifying and treating all types of childhood eye problems, from the most common to the most difficult. Your child will receive cutting-edge treatment since they have the most recent tools and technology.

    Our expert doctors are committed to helping your child feel at ease and relaxed during their visit since they know how frightening medical procedures can be for kids.

    The eye health of your kid is very important to us, and our team of experienced and caring specialists is here to help them get there.


    Refractive Errors Are Disturbance In Vision Caused By The Inability Of Light To Focus The Retina Refractive Errors Are







    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    Why is it important to screen children for refractive errors?

    Uncorrected refractive error in children is an avoidable cause of visual impairment and is a common cause of vision problems in children.
    A problem in focussing light on the retina causes abnormal visual development in children, amblyopia or squint. Timely detection and correction of refractive errors allows for normal vision development.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What is myopia?

    Shortsightedness, or myopia is a very common eye problem that makes it difficult to see things at a distance. Myopia usually occurs because the eyeball grows excessively in childhood and is longer than normal. This causes light rays to focus at a point in front of retina,leading to blurred vision.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    My child has never complained of blurred vision! Why should I get my kid’s eye check up done?

    Children do not complain about poor vision simply because they don’t realize that they are seeing any differently from us! The vision they have is normal according to them. This is why a complete eye check is necessary at 3-4 years of age for all kids.
    Children who are born prematurely, with a low birth weight, have delayed milestones, delayed visual development, neurological abnormalities and a family history of eye problems may need an even earlier eye check up.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    We don’t have family history of myopia! How did my child develop myopia?

    There are many causes for developing myopia and heredity is just one of them. The prevalence of myopia is steadily increasing in urban populations across the world due to changing lifestyle patterns.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    Why should increasing myopia concern us?

    People with high myopia (-5.00 DS or higher) are at a risk of associated serious eye problems including glaucoma, retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration,etc which can lead to a permanent loss of vision.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What can we do to prevent the onset or progression of myopia?

    Multiple studies have shown that children who spend more time indoors reading, writing, watching T.V., playing games on tablets, computers and mobile phones are more likely to develop myopia and have a faster rate of progression.
    We suggests limiting screen use to 1 hour per day in children One of the best things you can do is to send your kids out to play everyday.
    Spending more time outdoors may significantly help in reducing the progression of myopia.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    Is there any medicine or surgery which can slow down or reverse myopia?

    Low dose Atropine (0.01%) eye drops is an effective therapy to prevent progression of myopia. Children between the ages of 6-12 years with low-moderate progressive myopia are suitable candidates.
    The eye drop has to be applied once a day regularly until the myopia is increasing which may be till 14 years of age. The child also has to be kept on regular 6 monthly follow up.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    How do I know if my child has myopia?

    Children with shortsigntedness may often
    Persistently squeeze eyes
    Sit closer to the television, computer screen or the front of the classroom
    Blink excessively
    Rub their eyes frequently
    Seem to be unaware of distant objects

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What should be the ideal spectacle for my kids?

    • Plastic frames, especially round or oval in size which provide a large field of vision, are best for all children as they are in light weight.
    • If older kids wear metal frames, make sure they have spring hinges, which are more durable. SPECTACLE LENSES:
    • Kids with severe eye problems may need special lenses called high-index lenses, which are thinner and lighter than plastic lenses.
    • Polycarbonate lenses are best for all kids, especially those who play sports. Polycarbonate is a tough, shatterproof, clear thermoplastic used to make thin, light lenses.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What kind of glasses are prescribed in Myopia?

    Myopia is corrected by wearing spectacles or contact lenses with concave, or minus power.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    Can children with myopia get lasik surgery to remove glasses?

    LASIK and other refractive procedures can be considered in children once their eye power stabilises.
    We do not recommend LASIK in children under 18 years of age.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    Can children wear contact lenses?

    Yes. Children can use contact lenses when indicated with the support of their parents. Contact lenses are excellent option for older children with a high refractive error who are active athletes.
    If children are at an appropriate age to care for their lenses and eyes, lenses are an option which can be think of.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What is hyperopia?

    Hyperopia (or farsightedness) occurs when light focuses behind the retina due to a short eyeball or low focusing (converging) power of the lens or cornea. It causes near and distant objects to appear blurry and signs and symptoms of farsightedness are increased as the object gets closer to the eye.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What are the symptoms of hyperopia?

    Nearby objects may appear blurry
    Eye strain, burning eyes, and aching in or around the eyes
    Eye discomfort or a headache after doing close tasks, such as reading, writing, drawing or computer work.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    How is hyperopia treated?

    Farsightedness is corrected by spectacles or contacts with convex or “plus power” lenses.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What is astigmatism?

    Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or the lens is curved more in one direction than in the other.
    Rays focus at multiple points (in front and/or behind the retina) instead of one, distorting the image for distance and near.

    Pediatric ophthalmologist ahmedabad

    What is the treatment for astigmatism?

    Astigmatism is corrected by spectacles or contacts with cylindrical lenses. If this is not done early enough, a child can be left with permanently blurred vision in adulthood. Children with high degrees of astigmatism may need evaluation of associated corneal disorders like Keraroconus.

    To Know More

    "Consult with the top paediatric ophthalmologist in Ahmedabad"


    Allergic conjunctivitis is when an allergen causes inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear tissue covering the white of the eye. Symptoms include eye redness, itching, and watery eyes.

    Allergies are one of the most common conditions in children, with eye allergies, or allergic conjunctivitis, affecting up to 30 percent of children worldwide.

    “Although symptoms in allergic conjunctivitis are often considered minor, it tends to have a chronic course with multiple recurrent episodes and can negatively affect school performance and quality of life in children.”

    Researchers found that children who were more physically fit were less likely to develop allergic conjunctivitis. Those who were at increased risk tended to be overweight, experienced greater exposure to air pollution, lived in densely populated urban areas, and had a history of asthma and/or allergic rhinitis.

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    Best pediatric eye specialist near me


    Amblyopia or ‘Lazy Eyes’ is defined as binocular or monocular decrease in best corrected vision (even after spectacle correction), for which no apparent organic cause is found on eye examination. In simpler terms, it is the decrease in vision even after proper spectacles, in one or both eyes, which is not caused by any other eye problem or disease.


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    Cause of Lazy Eye

    It is commonly caused from conditions that
    - produce blurred image on the retina (e.g. media opacities like congenital cataract, which obstruct the light from entering the eye; high refractive errors)
    - abnormal binocular coordination of the two eyes (deviation of eyes)
    - combination of both (unequal refractive errors between the two eyes, astigmatic refractive errors).

    Best pediatric doctor near me

    When does Lazy eye occur?

    Lazy eye or Amblyopia occurs during the critical or sensitive period of development and maturation of the visual system, which is estimated to be 0-8 years in children.
    It has to be remembered that the patient has to undergo a complete ocular examination to rule out any organic cause of loss of vision before the diagnosis of lazy eye is established.

    Best pediatric doctor near me

    How is Amblyopia commonly diagnosed?

    Amblyopia is detected when the best corrected vision (even after spectacle correction) is subnormal.
    Vision can be tested in children by many innovative picture/letter acuity/symbol charts. It can be done in a child as young as 2-3 year old.

    Best pediatric doctor near me

    What are the Management options for Amblyopia?

    Amblyopia is treatable in most cases. Early and consistent treatment of amblyopia is critical for best results.
    The first step is to allow the light to reach the retina, i.e the back of the eye. This is done by giving appropriate glasses or by removal of cataract or corneal opacities- which block image formation on the retina.
    The second step is to correct ocular dominance, if present.
    This is done by forcing the weaker eye to fixate and thereby stimulating it. Our pediatric ophthalmologists decide the best way to do so for your child- either by covering (patching) the good eye or by blurring the image in the good eye.
    Strict vigilance and correct observation of treatment by parents and regular monitoring of therapy is essential for the child’s vision.
    Recent research has shown that lazy eye can be treated in older children who are diagnosed late and even in adults. A new treatment for amblyopia uses a virtual reality (VR) headset to help improve vision in children. A child watches videos wearing the headset, which helps them use their weaker eye.


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    A lot of clinics have the latest technology no doubt but what most lack is a sensitive and human approach that what exactly sets Dr Bhoomi Jodhani and her team apart. Went for my family's eye check up. When we went for the examination, Dr Bhoomi examined with attention to detail. She is very knowledgeable, spent good amount of time on check up and was absolutely clear in communicating diagnosis. She even provided preventative steps to ensure great maintainance of eye health. We fealt satisfied and safe under her check up and diagnostics. Clarification given by her for my son's eye was very valuable and she provided great precautionary measures to preserve eye health in this digital age. Found very systematic and professional way of work done here with personal touch and genuine care for patients. I would recommend this hospital to everyone.

    Vishal patel


    Misalignment of eyes is called strabismus, or squint, and can lead to disruption of the visual development process. It can occur in children or adults.

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, we provide consultation and treatment for children and adults with squint (eye muscle problems).

    In the clinic, we approach each patient with special attention and assess the problems for appropriate diagnosis and treatment strategies.

    To know more about Squint Click here

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    Cataract In Childhood

    What Is a Cataract?

    The opacification of the eye’s natural transparent lens is called cataract.

    The lens is the transparent structure located just behind the pupil (the black circle in the centre of the eye).

    It allows light to reach the retina in the back of the eye to allow image formation.

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    How does a cataract cause vision loss?

    The eye's lens, which is usually clear, becomes clouded by a cataract. This prevents light from reaching the retina and results in hazy vision.
    A clear image forming in the retina is essential for the stimulation of the visual cortex and development of proper vision in children.
    If there is a cataract preventing penetration of light and stimulating the retina, it may result in amblyopia.
    Prompt and sometimes immediate treatment is necessary to prevent permanent vision loss.
    In adults, cataracts develop after normal visual development so the vision loss can be reversed.

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    How is cataract different in children?

    Pediatric cataracts can
    - occur in one eye (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral).
    - be complete or partial
    - be present at birth or occur sometime after birth.
    -partial at birth and later progress to become visually significant.
    Unlike adult cataracts, cataracts in children are treated on an urgent basis depending upon the density and location of cataract.
    This is to try and ensure that they do not develop squint and irreversible loss of vision due to lazy eye or amblyopia.

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    What is the visual prognosis of childhood cataract?

    The prognosis in children is worse with an earlier onset, more dense and longer duration of cataract.
    But there is hope! Advances in medicine, new techniques and materials have made the prognosis better. Now, we are able to operate as early as the first few weeks of life and visually rehabilitate the child with either glasses or contact lenses.
    While we do everything we can for all children visiting us, ultimately it is the resolve of the caregivers to follow post operative management that decides the visual success for the child.
    Children with acquired progressive cataracts have less amblyopia and a much better visual prognosis than children with cataracts that obstruct the visual axis since birth. nerally, monocular congenital cataracts have a relatively good prognosis if surgery and optical correction is provided by two months of age. Beyond this age, there is a possibility of having dense amblyopia in the operated eye.
    Dense bilateral congenital cataracts require urgent surgery and visual rehabilitation. In general, bilateral cataracts operated prior to two months of age have a good visual prognosis with approximately 80% achieving vision of 20/50 or better

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    What are the other problems children with cataract might face?

    Children born with cataracts are also at risk of developing:

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    Can you prevent cataract in children?

    It's not usually possible to prevent cataracts, particularly those that are inherited (run in the family).
    If you have previously had a baby with childhood cataracts and are planning another pregnancy, please talk to your obstetrician.
    They may advise genetic counseling to reduce the risk of your next child developing a cataract or vaccination to prevent infection in pregnancy.

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    What happens after a child’s cataract procedure is successful?

    Once the surgery is done, your child will still require glasses after the IOL implantation. They may also require occlusion therapy for the management of amblyopia.
    In most cases, it is the willpower and resolve of the parents or caregivers to follow post-operative management that determines visual success for the child.
    Regular lifelong follow up is needed to rule out late complication like secondary glaucoma and retinal detachment.

    A visit to the eye doctor with your child can be challanging. We understand this and are here to help guide you throughout your child's eye treatment.
    Come visit us!

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