• Welcome to Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital

    Oculoplasty treatment: focuses on reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the eyelids, tear ducts, eye socket and the surrounding portion of eyes and face.

    An oculoplasty treatment is done to improve the comfort and function of the eyes and eyelids.

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, we provide modern state-of-the-art facilities with highest quality services.

    Oculoplasty surgery may be performed to improve function, comfort and appearance for the following conditions:

    • Tear Drainage Problems

    • Eyelid Malposition

    Who needs an Oculoplasty Treatment?

    If you experience the following symptoms, you may need an oculoplasty surgery:

    • If you have wrinkles, scars or minor folds around your eyes
    • If your tear ducts are blocked
    • If you feel any sort of twitch in your eyes
    • If you blink your eyes more than a normal person
    • If you are suffering from Ptosis- downward hanging of eyelids
    • Excessive fat around the eye
    • If you have bulging eyes
    • In case of absence of an eye
    • Orbit tumors or tumors growing around your eye



    Eyelid injury refer to partial or full thickness defects in the eyelid.

    Males are more likely to experience eyelid injury than females

    Lid injury occur as a result of two general mechanisms including (1) contact with sharp objects moving at high velocities that either penetrate superficial structures and result in a partial-thickness defect or that penetrate deeper structures resulting in a full-thickness defect and (2) avulsion injuries from blunt trauma.[3]

    Primary prevention

    Prevention is accomplished by minimizing trauma to the face.

    Children should be supervised at home and at school, particularly when playing with dogs, sharp objects, or riding bicycles.

    Adolescents and adults should be counseled to use protective eyewear when engaging in high risk work or sporting activities and to wear protect headgear when riding light motor vehicles.

    The elderly should avoid medications or activities that can increase the likelihood of falling and assure their environment minimizes fall/slipping risks.


    Apart from being cosmetically unacceptable, any irregularity of the lid margin is functionally detrimental to the eye, as lid defects may fail to cover the cornea fully and provide adequate lubrication. An oculoplastic surgeon repairs the injury in a way to make the lid as close to normal as possible.

    Primary repair of eyelids should be performed within 12 to 24 hours of the injury to reduce subsequent complications.

    Lid sutures can generally be removed 7 days following repair.


    In a condition known as entropion there is inward turning of the eyelids, causing the eyelashes to scratch the cornea and produce irritation.

    Tearing and secondary infection as well as an unpleasant looking eye cause the patient to seek medical care.

    Entropion may be the result of spasm or secondary contracture or strictures from burns, injury or trachoma infection.

    It may involve the upper or lower lids. An adhesive tape applied to the skin of the lid temporarily may straighten the lid and relieve the annoying symptoms.

    Corrective surgery is usually required for a permanent cure.


    Ectropion is the opposite condition, and the lower lid usually turns away from the eyeball.

    Ectropion may be due to laxity of the tissue in elderly people or to paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve (the nerve which controls the facial expressions), which causes the weakness of the muscles of the lid.

    It may also follow cuts, infections, or burns of the lids and face that heal poorly; the resultant scar tissue forms adhesions that cause the lids to turn out.

    Besides being cosmetically unpleasant, ectropion is accompanied by troublesome tearing and infection.

    Treatment is surgical rotation of the lid margin and its alignment with the eyeball.


    Trichiasis is a condition in which there is misdirection of eyelashes.

    If the eyelashes turn in toward the eyeball and scratch the cornea, they produce a sensation like a foreign body.

    This condition may result from trachoma (an eye infection), burns or injuries to the lids.

    Removal of the offending lashes relieves the symptoms.


    Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction

    Normally tears from the eye drain to the nose through the lacrimal passage. In case of any blockage in this passage, watering results

    The cause of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is most commonly a membranous obstruction in the nasolacrimal duct.The nasolacrimal duct (also called the tear duct) carries

    tears from the lacrimal sac of the eye into the nasal cavity.


    A history of watering, mucous discharge and epiphora of one or both eyes since birth is typical.

    The periocular skin may be chapped from continual exposure to tears.

    Regurgitation of purulent material into the eye can cause conjunctivitis and a history of recurrent "pink eye" in an infant or young child

    The signs and symptoms are usually worse with a concurrent upper respiratory infection


    From birth to upto 18 months of age one can do simple massaging .For approximately 90% of infants it resolves the obstruction.

    Massaging creats hydrostatic pressure in the lacrimal pathway which removes the obstructionIf it doesn’t work of if kid is 2 to 3 years old, probing can be done.

    If child is above 3 years of age or if above mentioned treatment doesn’t resolve the obstruction ,one can go for dacryocystorhinostomy(DCR) which makes an alternative pathway to drain the tears to nasal cavity.


    Blockage of the tear-draining duct causes infection of the lacrimal sac.


    Excessive watering, tears running down the cheek, mucus production, and crusting of the eyelids are all signs of a tear duct obstruction.

    Dacryocystitis (infection and swelling of the lacrimal sac): Painful swelling and redness around the corner of the eyelid/nose junction.

    This illness has the potential to spread to the eyelids and possibly the face if left untreated.


    Topical and systemic antibiotics are used to treat acute dacryocystitis.

    Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR): The most frequently performed surgical approach for an obstructed tear duct. In this surgery, we create a new site for the drainage of the tears directly from the lacrimal sac into the nose and thus bypassing the obstruction.


    It's drooping eyelid.

    Ptosis is a condition in which there is drooping of upper eyelid.

    Ptosis is a condition due to malfunctioning of the levator palpebrate superioris (Eyelid muscle), which is responsible for raising the upper eyelid.


    It can be congenital or acquired


    Ptosis is characterised by a noticeable drooping of the upper eyelid.

    Ptosis can result in a cosmetic difference between the eyelids or give the patient a ‘sleepy' appearance.


    Ptosis is corrected via surgical treatment. Ptosis repair is a simple surgical operation that involves strengthening the eyelid-lifting muscle.

    What is Stye and Chalazion?

    Stye or chalazion present as a lump along with the upper or lower eyelids

    results from infection or inflammation of the oil glands. It may be present

    as red and painful lump, similar to a boil or small non-tender bump under the eyelid skin


    Antibiotic eye drops or ointment are used as the first line of defence.

    If an infection is present, systemic antibiotics may be prescribed.

    Warm compresses and eyelid massage are essential and should be done on a daily basis. They aid in the melting of secretions and the unclogging of oil glands.

    If medicinal treatment fails to improve the chalazion, it must be surgically removed. The operation is done under local anaesthetic, and the Chalazion is drained by a small incision on the inside of the eyelid that leaves no visible scar.

    Why should I choose Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital for oculoplasty related treatment?

    best eye hospital in ahmedabad

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, we provide modern state-of-the-art facilities with highest quality services.

    Our commitment to make eye care easily accessible to common man at affordable price is the most important thing for us.

    Our well-trained health personnel take complete precaution while performing any kind of eye treatment and offer proper guidance to each patient after the surgery and treatment.

    Many individuals undergo oculoplasty treatment and report high level of satisfaction as they experience improved vision and comfort.

    The Oculoplasty cost could be a real value for money. The treatment has a lot of potential benefits

    Our patient-friendly environment at the Ranchhodrai Hospital welcomes you with warm smile.

    Visit Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital for a seamless oculoplasty treatment in Ahmedabad.

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