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  • Iol

    What is IOL?

    An intraocular lens (IOL) is a clear, artificial lens implant used to replace a cloudy natural lens in cataract surgery to restore your vision to optimal.

    IOls are designed to correct any one,two or all 3 of the following:

    Near vision

    "0 to 14 inches"

    Reading a book,Writing,Using a mobile phone.

    Intermediate vision

    "14 to 40 inches"

    Working on a laptop or computer,Cooking,Eating.

    Distance vision

    " >40 inches"

    Driving,Watching a TV,Playing any sort of outdoor games.

    Which is the best IOL for you?

    • In medicine, like life, there is no single best answer. Your doctor will discuss with you the potential benefits of each of these lenses, and help you select the one best suited for your lifestyle and visual needs, as well as your expectations from the cataract surgery.

    Lifestyle and priorities: In case you have a very active lifestyle that involves a lot of precise focusing outdoors, like golf, you may compromise your near vision but not your distance vision. If you travel a lot, you might prefer to not be dependent on glasses at all, preceding a bit of precision for both near and distance vision. On the other hand, if you enjoy sewing or embroidery, you will want perfect near vision.

    Pre-existing diseases:In case of certain eye diseases like advanced glaucoma, corneal disorders or age-related macular degeneration, you may not be a good candidate for specific lenses, like the multifocal lens. Your eye doctor will perform a comprehensive eye exam and discuss its results and implications with you, to help you choose the best possible lens for your eye.

    Cost:Multifocal IOLs are expensive than Monofocal IOLs.

    The doctors at Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital are well versed in the use of premium IOLs following cataract surgery in Ahmedabad and have had the experience of implanting thousands of these lenses. Your eye doctor will be happy to discuss all the options available and help you choose the best choice for your eye health, and visual needs.

    What are the different types of IOL?

    1. Monofocal IOL

    2. Toric IOL

    3. Extended Depth Of Focus(EDOF) IOL

    4. Multifocal IOL

    Monofocal IOL

    It has best potential for high quality single distance vision. Ideal for patients who wish to be corrected for distance vision & are comfortable wearing glasses for near.

    • As it delivers great clarity with no glare & halos at night, most patients are very happy with the vision they provide. One of the most important benefits of Aspheric Optic Lens is improved functional vision. Better choice for those who enjoys driving at night.


    • Excellent quality of vision.

    • No glare and halos around lights.

    • Improved contrast sensitivity.

    • Reduction in spherical aberrations.

    • Rich, vibrant color perception.

    • Better choice for those who enjoys driving at night.


    • Glasses are generally needed for near work.

    • Glasses are needed for distance for those patients who have preexisting corneal astigmatism.

    • Do not correct astigmatism.

    Toric IOL

    Toric IOLS are used in patients with moderate to high astigmatism to reduce dependency on glasses for distance vision.

    • With astigmatism, the cornea is not uniformly curved like a basketball, but is shaped more like a football. One curve is longer than the other. This distorts both near and distant objects. . Several lens implants are available that can compensate for this condition .People with moderate to high astigmatism are usually happier with toric IOLs. Before surgery, these lenses require extra eye measurements and services.If you are interested in reducing your astigmatism to become less dependent on glasses, discuss this option with us.


    • Sharp Distance vision without glasses.

    • Corrects pre existing cylindrical number.

    • No glare and halos around lights.

    • Improved contrast sensitivity.

    • Reduction in spherical aberrations.

    • Rich, vibrant color perception.

    • Better choice for those who enjoys driving at night.


    • You will have to wear glasses for near work (reading and computers).

    Extended Depth Of Focus IOL

    Extended depth-of-focus (EDOF) is a new intraocular lens (IOL) technology that has recently emerged in the treatment of presbyopia.

    • In contrast to multifocal (MF) IOLs, EDOF lenses create a single elongated focal point, rather than several foci, to enhance depth of focus. In this way, EDOF IOLs aim to reduce photic phenomena, glare, and halos, which have been reported in MF IOLs.


    • Good vision for distance, computer vision and near(For Large and medium font size)without glasses.

    • Better light transmission.

    • Excellent choice for those who enjoys driving at night.

    • Excellent quality of vision.

    • No glare and halos around lights.

    • Improved contrast sensitivity.

    • Reduction in spherical aberrations.

    • Rich, vibrant color perception.


    • For very small print reading glasses may be needed.


    Multifocal IOLs are lenses which offer an acceptable restoration of vision for near,intermediate and distance. While choosing an IOL, it is important to remember that multifocal lenses provide you freedom from glasses for near,intermediate and distance, and can be customized to your active lifestyle.

    • If you have a strong desire not to wear glasses, these lenses may be right for you.

    • Presbyopia is the eye’s inability to change focus from distance to near-the age-related condition that usually requires reading glasses or bifocals between age 40 and 50.

    • Multifocal lens implants offer the possibility of seeing well at more than one distance without reading glasses or bifocals. It requires additional exams, tests and follow-up care.

    • Multifocal lens implants are not well suited for everyone and requires adaptive personalities to adjust to the vision they provide. They allow most people to function most of the time without glasses. But if you accept multifocal lens implants to provide perfect vision without glasses, you will likely be disappointed. Multifocal lens implants can reduce dependency on glasses in majority cases.


    • Greater independence from glasses for most activities.

    • Good reading vision in most situations.

    • Good intermediate vision (computer distance).

    • Excellent distance vision day and night.


    • Glare or halos will be noticed around lights at night Expensive.

    IOL Types Near Intermediate Distance Astigmatism
    Monofocal Aspheric
    Toric Monofocal
    Multifocal Toric

    Factors to be taken into consideration before choosing an IOL

    Mainly 3 factors

    1)Eye Profile:

    • Amount of corneal astigmatism if any

    • Grade and type of cataract

    • Any preexisting inflammation of eye

    • Any ocular diseases like Glaucoma,Macular degeneration,Diabetec retinopathy or optic nerve disease.

    2)Overall health:

    • History of Diabetes mallitus

    • History of Hypertension

    3)Lifestyle and work profile

    A sports man might have a different lifestyle from a IT professional or a banker. And in our customized approach , we make sure we not only maintain, but also enhance all your daily activities.We understand your requirements, personality, know your professional needs & hobbies and lifestyle needs, to recommend the most suitable IOL that fits you the best.

    • We'll help guide you to an informed decision that best fits your budget and your lifestyle.

    • When your lifestyle is your definition, a cataract surgery should not change it. From the IOL and the surgical technique recommended, we give you a unique solution that not only helps you get back to your lifestyle, but also enhances it! Aided by world classes experts, techniques and technology, we provide safety, precision and quality in our surgeries.