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    Circumstances Where Cataract Surgery May Be The Only Solution

    Author: Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital

    Date: 2024-01-29

    Wondering when to get a cataract surgery? Here are some signs to look for your need for cataract surgery. The signs are-

    1. People with cataracts find it difficult to do essential activities of daily nature such as driving at night and other activities like reading. When cataracts develop, there emerges a need to read the words in bright light as it often becomes harder to see in normal light. This is a sign to get cataract surgery done with the best cataract surgeon in Ahmedabad.

    2. In the early stages of cataract still patient has fair vision with the use of glasses but as cataract progresses, at one point in time glasses can’t give clear vision because that reduction in vision is because of cataract which can be corrected only with the cataract surgery. So, When you find difficulty in vision with your own glasses or you are facing the problem of frequent change in glasses, get ready for cataract surgery.

    3. Apart from facing the difficulty of seeing in the dark, cataracts usually make your eyes sensitive to light. Things like bright interior light or extreme sunlight can cause discomfort in your eyes. This is commonly experienced by people whose cataracts are growing on the back of their lenses.

    4. When a person with cataracts notices a tinted yellow vision, it means that the vision of that person has become distorted. This is a good indicator not to ignore such things and get ready for a cataract surgery.

    5. Cataracts usually block the portions of light and cause to experience halos around light sources. This usually occurs around streetlamps or headlights and makes it difficult for the person to see at night.

    6. Cataracts can cause double vision and this happens when the some portion of lens is cloudy(cataractous) and some part is still clear. This can be distracting and disorienting for the person, therefore, you must feel the need to get a cataract surgerydone.


    Get The Best Treatment Done At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, A Renowned Cataract Surgery Hospital In Ahmedabad

    Ranchhodrai Hospital is the topmost eye hospital in Ahmedabad that has a state-of-the-art modern diagnostic center, rehabilitative services, and therapeutic services of the highest quality. It is the best cataract surgery hospital in Memnagar that focuses on offering compassionate, advanced, and dedicated eye care at affordable prices. We nurture the vision to deliver quality eye care services using the most advanced technology in a comfortable healthcare setting.


    At Ranchhodrai Hospital, we welcome patients to get their eye treatment done and experience our facilities at par. At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital Cashless and Mediclaim facility is available for cataract surgery.


    Visit us for consultation and get the best advice from our experts!



    1. Can a cataract come back after surgery?

    Cataract can't grow back because the lens where the cataract forms is removed and replaced with an Intraocular lens. In some people, the cloudy film may be formed behind the implant on the lens capsule membrane causing a condition of posterior capsular opacification, which is very easily getting rid of by Laser in an OPD setup.

    2. Is the cataract surgery painful?

    At Ranchhodrai Eye Hospital, Anaesthesia is achieved by just putting anesthetic eye drops in the eyes. The patient is very comfortable during and even after surgery as we don’t give injections anywhere around the eyes and the rest of the body.

    3. Who usually experiences cataracts?

    Cataracts are experienced by people above the age of 55 and most people get by 65. Also, all people above 75 usually get cataract and it is not a sign of worry as it happens naturally with age.